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~$*Shout Outs*$~

"It's not about who's known you the longest, it's about who never left your side"


Lannah you are my best friend in the whole world. We have had so many good times...and badden times too lol...umm I just have one question...have you seen my glasses??...the Gangsta the Killa and the Dope Deala...don't worry claire we'll find our own way home...but no matter what situation we get ourselves into we are always in it together.  You are an awesome person!! never forget that and never change...unless it's detox haha JK

"Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, Dance like no one's watching"



Clarr!!! you are an awesome person and we always have the best raer bitch talks!!...we are the biggest bitches but don't worry they love it! always have a good head on ur shoulders and keep me and Lannah under control (sometimes) lol and our Bulldyke emotional talks are the best!...I can always count on you..."thunder bolts and lightning very very frightning..." you know the rest haha...Love ya!

"A person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes, a person who doesn't is a fool forever"


BUDGIE!!!haha sorry that will never get old!!...we have our ups and downs but it always ends up okay cuz we usually end up laughing about it...we can't help it that we have good taste in men...haha're always fun to get drunk with and guy bash too...our 3am conversations are awesome and you are always there through thick and thin..."I like big butts and I can not lie"..."I'm lovin' it"

"I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry"


Sonya...or Sonja haha you love it..we have known eachother forever and have always managed to stay friends through it all even if we didn't talk to eachother for a while..."Gump sat alone on a bench in the park..." are an awesome person and I always have so much fun with you..."kill urself big boobs" lol and if ever in the future ur in need of a bench I'll be right there helpin you out!!!

"Be more concerned about your character then your reputation, because your character is who you are and your reputation is what other people think you are"


Tegan...we are the drunk'n rowdies....whats everyones beef? are hilarious and always have something wicked to do...American parties and American boys...;) haha...ur parties are rockin even though ur a hammer case...the pajama hookers will take over the Bush administration...they will....remember me when your rich and famous!(or a stripper)...or you may end up being my sister in law haha zach wishes

"You don't love somebody because they are beautiful, they are beautiful because you love them"


Tricia!! you are the best sister anyone can ask for...even though we are soooo different I couldn't ask for a better or cooler sister.  I love the person you are and the person you are becoming and seriously don't ever let anyone bring you one!!! follow your heart and don't let anyone stop you!!! I know it's cheesy but it's true!!!*$ hot sisters forever $~

"If a friend betrays you once it's their fault, if a friend betrays you twice it's your fault"


Cody...although we've had some really badden times they have always been fun and interesting!!...our drunk walks were rad and our life story emotional talks were hilarious...who gives bums at Robins Doughnuts there numbers? are a really smart and really awesome person and I love talking to you "BBF...I mean BFF" lol....COME SPOON!!! lol...hey can I have a massage?

"Before you judge somebody, walk a mile in their shoes...that way when you judge them you're a mile away and have their shoes"


Eric....Budday!!! haha we have had some hilarious times "I kind of got the vibe you liked me" lol you wish!..."whoa it's bright out here" haha yess...well it's always fun when your around and can you lay off the molestation?? I mean I know I have a Carmen Electra body but control urself!!! haha jk...."Steamroller....aww budday thats not fun anymore" lol

"A friend is someone who thinks you are a good dancer"


Marina!!....well we bonded by being bitches and making fun of other girls...haha I'm soo glad that I met you it's so much fun getting drunk with you and all our sneak attack plans!!...if only they knew eh?...White Pine girls day was rad and thanks for the coolers lol...Ozone days were good...drinking at my house...always fun..."you can be our new BFF" lol and thanks for the counsellor talks...they help soo much!

"A friend is someone that knows all about you and still likes you"

tyler.jpg brotha from anotha are an awesome friend and always have the best advise...even though ur blunt and it scares me lol!!! we have had some rad times and some weirdo times *cough*paul*cough*....u are the ultimate stoner and are wicked for that...HammerTimers for life and if you ever need anything you know that I'm always here for you and for some more emotional till 3 in the morning talks!!! haha you rock

"Sometimes you need to runaway to see who will follow you"


Zach even though you live in the T-dot and I miss you soooo much!!! you are an awesome little brother and you got to do the Robins were pumped!! the fireworks were hilarious you drunk ass!!!but you are turning out to be quite the dope little badden!! I love you so much and miss you even more!!



Ashley ya nerdo....well I had no other pics of you and you wanted a shout out so I had to put one of you with this badden lol....well I love ya like a sister even though we do get into our odd badden fights!! I've known you for so long and can't believe I tried to kick ur ass for wearing Shaundras water shoes lol who does that? sorry for the 3 in the morning drunk'n phone calls to beat ppl up....haha you loved it...all though you love my left overs it's all good and I still love ya!! haha and always remember Simba that no matter what...we were sexy in those full body spandex

"But I see your true colours, shinin through, I see your true colours, and that's why I love you, So don't be afraid to let them show, Your true colours, true colours, Beautiful....Like a rainbow"

jeremy2.jpg you are pumped...well buddy when I first met you I thought you were a really big badden haha "Who wants to play spin the bottle?" and walking around with nothin but a sock lol....but you are so awesome and so much bar star ever..double fisting is the way to be...getting naked in my car and telling some random guy to come look lol yesss! well you are such a good friend and so fun to talk have such a good head on your shoulders even though you are quite addicted to online poker haha you and marina are sooo cute and are always a lot of fun to hang out with...especially when you put up with my bulldykness lol ya love it ;)PS sorry for the drunk'n prank calls last summer lol...u and cody loved it


Chris and James....You guys are seriously two of my best friends in the whole world.  And I'm really sorry that I forgot ur guys' birthdays and I really owe you one.  Sara,Lannah and I are going to bring u a cake but don't mind if it's half eaten..we might get a little hungry on the walk down the cul-de-sac...although you put Lannah in jail, and made me sleep in a bank...and made sara's eyes burn from the tighty whiteys we forgive couldn't we of? have you looked in the mirror? you guys are smokin hot hotties *MUAH*

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